Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years. B and I stayed in last night. We're not big New Year's people. We made a delicious curry beef, vegetable, and lentils dish, and watched a movie (big surprise). We did stay up until midnight though to bring in the New Year...it's been awhile since I've been up that late!
I woke up early this morning to go for a run on town lake. Today was 8 miles! It was 8:30am or so and the trail was empty which made for a nice quiet run. I wanted to be done with my run early so that I could make the 10:00am UT swim practice. I knew Coach would have a solid New Year's day practice in store for us...and she didn't disappoint. 6000 was the total yardage in 1 hour 30 minute practice. Nice.
I'll bike long tomorrow morning and then off for a weekend getaway. I can't say where I'm going though as it is a surprise!
Don't forget to eat you black eyed peas for dinner this evening for good luck in 2009.
I've posted some Christmas pics below...I know the pictures are small but it's the best I could do.

Brandon's new bike...The Flying Turtle

Mackenzie...up and coming triathlete

The whole fam damily!
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