Brandon, my parents and I headed to Glen Rose, Texas last Wednesday for Thanksgiving. Brandon's parents moved to Glen Rose about 9 months ago so this was their first Thanksgiving in their new home. We ate a lot, slept a lot, and watched a lot of movies so it was a very relaxing couple of days. We headed back Friday evening so that we could celebrate my big 3-0 birthday on Saturday with my fam so I thought...
It turns out that Brandon had planned a surprise party for me Saturday evening at the bowling alley with a small group of people. I was shocked, confused and very surprised. After bowling, I thought Brandon and I were just going to go out to dinner with my fam to finish celebrating. However... as we were getting in the car, Brandon told me that everyone was coming over to our house for some Tex-Mex and cake. Once again I was shocked, confused and very surprised!
I've posted some pics of Glen Rose and the Surprise.

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