Sunday, October 28, 2007


Today was the Ironkids Triathlon down at Circle C Ranch. Brandon and I had 3 kids that we coach competing in the race. I must say that they all did a great job. Congrats to Caroline for finishing only her second triathlon ever. She has improved so much and it's fun to watch. Also, Congrats to Scott and Evan who both won their age group! Hopefully we'll have more kids out there competing next year.

This week has been very relaxing. I did have a sinus infection earlier in the week but am now feeling like myself again. Brandon ended up sleeping in the other room a couple of nights because I was snoring so loud. I have this complex where I sleep breathing only through my nose because I feel like if I breathe through my mouth I'll get a sore throat. I know it's stupid and crazy but I can't help it! So... with all the congestion that I had I can't blame him for sleeping on the couch.

I did swim 2x this week and also rode 1.5 hours yesterday on my road bike. I love riding my road bike. I may even consider doing some road races this year. Well...who am I kidding? I say that every year and I have yet to do a road race.

My heel is doing A LOT better. I've been very consistent with my rehab and wearing the 'boot' at night. I'm able to wake up in the morning and not hobble to the bathroom which is a good sign. Just taking it one day at a time!


1 comment:

Cam said...

Congrats to you and Brandon's "kids" at Ironkids! Thanks to you both for coming out to support the race! :)

Glad your heel is getting better.